Our Approach

“A healthy mind makes your body work better, and a healthy body improves your mental wellbeing. Together, these two areas create one unit called the mind-body connection. The mind-body connection is a subcategory measured in the MHQ (Mental Health Quotient).” 

For example 
someone who exercises intensely daily for an hour before work may think of themselves as fit and healthy, but they drink copious amounts of coffee, have a takeaway meal three times a week, rarely eat fresh vegetables plus always needing a chocolate bar to give them energy in the afternoon, the expression ‘you can’t out run a bad diet’ comes to mind here.

Or how about 
The person who eats a great diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, little refined sugar and avoids processed foods, however, this person suffers from insomnia and often feels stressed and anxious. Are they healthy?

 We would say no. Health is more than an absence of disease, it is about having a complete state of physical, social and emotional wellbeing and vitality. In order to achieve this we need to look at all aspects of our lives and bring them in to balance.

Health and resilience is an ongoing dynamic process that is ever changing depending on what is happening in our lives at a particular time. Paying attention and listening to our body and responding to its needs is how we do this.  

We will then experience true health and balance. Now that all sounds great but exactly how do we implement a complete and balanced life?

The answer is slowly and consistently with the ‘Beacons of Health’. This is what Glow Corporate Wellness specialise in. Small manageable changes that build to form new positive habits is the way to do this.

The Beacons of Health are the lifestyle areas we need to focus on to make these changes.  

Nourish- The food and drink we consume  

Move- The activity we do
Sleep- Quality and amount of sleep we experience
Connect- Our relationships, career, life purpose and spiritual connections
Calm- The stresses we experience, whether emotional or physical
Cleanse- The toxic burden we experience from personal care and cleaning products to food to pollution.