Corporate Wellness for vibrant thriving workforces

Corporate training for your people’s total body/mind health and wellbeing

What do we do?

We offer educational and empowering wellbeing training days that will transform the physical and mental health of your people which in turn will help:

Improve staff performance levels
Reduce long term sickness/absenteeism rates of your team
Improve your teams’ concentration and motivation levels
Improve your team’s energy levels
Improve your teams’ overall resilience and wellness
Prevent executive burnout and stress related illness amongst your team
Improve staff retention and job satisfaction levels

The result?  holistic happiness and quality of life for your people

Our wellbeing training

Uniquely designed to be Inspiring, interactive, educational and empowering – helping everyone in your team to make the best choices for their own improved, physical, and mental health wellbeing - best for mind and best for body.

Powerful events and days to support positive life transformation in your people

Who is Life Gold Corporate Wellbeing?

Hi, I am Emma Young

Learn more about our unique approach